Musical Theatre
Musical Theatre is comprised of three different skills. Acting, Singing and Dancing. Each term Students will work on different songs from various Musicals and learn about each Show. In this class Children need to be competent readers, as they will be reading song lyrics and scripts etc.
Tiny Tots Ballet
This class is designed for 2-4 year olds. We focus on teaching the children a variety of gross motor skills and musicality all through music and dance. This class is based around the classical ballet style however we do incorporate other styles as well. Mime is incorporated in the class also for the theatrical component.
Parents are encouraged to let their little dancers dance independently. This ensures the student forms a bond with their teacher and student helper and avoids losing authority between parent and teacher and promotes a safe dance environment. Parents can stay with all new students however after a few weeks you can watch from the viewing window.
RAD Classical Ballet
RAD is a syllabus in which most dance schools over the world follow and teach. Whilst the Syllabus is continually getting updated it’s safe to say that it is a lovely style to follow. Pre Primary and Primary is full of fun and technical exercises and mimes for the younger student. Grade One through to Eight consists of three components, Classical, Free Movement and Character and the Vocational Graded Exams are for the much more serious dancer. RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) was established in 1920 to improve standards in dance training. It helps both the student and the teacher. You can learn more about RAD by looking up their website on our home page in the links. Classical Ballet consists of soft flowing movements set to piano or classical music. Classical is the best technical style of dance for children to start with. All Students who wish to participate in a Ballet Exam MUST attend BOTH Grade lessons on the timetable. This ensures they have the required amount of study time the RAD has set in order to prepare them for examinations.
Vocational Graded Examinations
Intermediate Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced Foundation, Advanced One, Advanced Two. It is assumed and encouraged that Vocational Graded Examinations start at a grade 5-6 level. For example Grade 5 or 6 ballet will do both their Grade Exam as well as Intermediate Foundation. And so on... Children doing vocational classes will require a pointe assessment with a professional dance Physio Linda Clee our onsite Physio - 0435228822. Please contact us for details.
Broadway and Jazz
We teach a mixture of both Broadway Jazz and Standard Commercial Jazz. Jazz dance evolved on Broadway into a new smooth style that is taught today. The difference between both isn’t huge as they both require a lot of technique however the actual dance styles consist of different steps and music styles. Jazz is a more modern style of dance set to pop music. The different levels we offer Jazz 1 through to Jazz 4 are based purely on age. We strongly encourage all Jazz students to participate in a Ballet Class as Ballet is the real base of all dance genres.
Hip Hop
Hip Hop is a more funky style of dance and is more popular these days as it is shown in most dance film clips. The typical steps learnt in this style are popping and locking and body contractions. We start these classes at age 8 and up and strongly recommend either a jazz or a ballet class to be taken prior to engage the correct technique required.
Lyrical and Contemporary
Lyrical and Contemporary is a mixture of ballet and modern dance. Both lyrical, pop music and alternative music is used. These steps can be very similar to what is scene in the RAD Free Movement section. A combination of sways, leaps and emotion is what you would normally expect to see mixed with floor work and some tricks.
Acrobatics Arts
Acrobatic Dance, or Acro is the beautiful fusion of dance and athleticism of acrobatic elements. In these classes children will work on their flexibility and strength following a set syllabus.
Children who take Acro classes will need to attend other classes as well. Classical Ballet, Jazz or Contemporary is compulsory.
Tap Dance
Tap is a rhythmical style of dance where the feet create sounds and rhythms on the floor with tap shoes either with or without music. We will follow the Glenn Wood Tap Syllabus from 2022 and potentially look at Tap Exams.
Performance Troupe
Performance Troupe (PT) is a class that is offered to the student's that wish to compete in competitions as a troupe. In order to do PT, students need to do the following; Ballet x2, Jazz, Contemporary, Acro. Hip Hop OR Tap is optional. By doing all these classes it gives them a wider variety of styles and abilities they can perform in for competitions. There is a performance troupe package which hugely discounts classes. Troupe kids need to purchase a tracksuit at $120, they also pay costume hire and entry fees split between them all every competition. This is normally roughly $10-$30 per costume and $20-$50 entry. Troupe kids need to sacrifice school holidays and some long weekends to attend these competitions. Troupe kids also need to have the ability to do their own hair and makeup for performances. There is also some Musical Theatre work in these classes. The kids learn how to sing, act and dance. Students are expected to miss minimal classes throughout the term. There is a Troupe Expectations List that gets sent to families who join.
Adults Classes
The Adults Classes are designed for you to socialize and enjoy both exercising and learning at the same time. Classes will include high impact cardio vascular warm ups and a combination of both Ballet, Jazz and lyrical styles as well as Tap.
Special Needs
The special Needs class is designed specifically for Adults with an intellectual and moderate physical disability. Depending on the degree of the disability a carer may be required to stay with the client but in most cases this is not necessary. The content of the class consists of cardiovascular work to warm up and encourage co-ordination in the clients and improve circulation and stamina.We then incorporate dance movements and combinations to stimulate both sides of the brain and work on the areas that are more difficult like cross body movements and coordinating both arms and leg movements working in opposition. The last part of the class is a combination of stretching and strength work where the clients are taught how to execute a series of exercises including sit-ups and push-ups. Some weeks we follow a kickboxing or Zumba DVD for 15 minute warm-up. The class runs for 1 hour. The class is claimable through NDIS.